"In the near future, I hope to become a

Hi I am Md Sifat. Learning MERN full Stack Web Devlopment. Beside This i am currently Studying in CSE ans well as Teaching students

Why Web Development??

This is my passion!. I enjoy creating new websites and like to enrich my thinking ability.It's my dream to become a MERN full Stack Developer

I will Do Coding and Challange The

Try to soliving problems in real life and coding life also

I will help People by creating Mordern
Web System

I will try my best to create new and mordern we system to provide people better life also

I will Do Coding and Challange The

Try to soliving problems in real life and coding life also

My Inspiration

The folling video is one of my inspiration . I learned from this video that if you work hard and always work to achive for the same thing you can gain that

My Current Target

My current target is fully cover this web devlopment course and make at least one website everyday!. I want to create 200 websites at least before this course ends


This is HTML Skill. This is the structure of websites

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This is CSS Skill. This is the Style of this websites

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This is JS Skill. This is the Brain of websites

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I need Support

You can contract with me via this Submit button